Thursday, February 23, 2012

Zippered Pouch - Ta Da! and FAL update

Mouthy Stitches zipper pouch - all done

I have finished the zippered pouch for my secret partner for the Mouthy Stitches swap. It is about 7.75" square and the front is made from assorted Kona solids and black Quilter's Linen - which is a screen printed 100% cotton Robert Kaufman fabric made to resemble linen.

The Tippecanoe paper pieced panel is a pattern from Quilter's Cache here which I reduced to 20% its size.

Mouthy Stitches - zipper detail

The zipper went in nicely although I did have to fuss with the side seams and unpick them a couple of times. Since this is for my great secret partner, I did not mind. I installed the little tabs at the ends of the zipper, as many people in the swap were doing that. Usually when I make a zipper bag I don't bother with the tabs.

Mouthy Stitches zipper pouch - back

Here is the back. I decided to feature a small piece of fabric I had purchased a year ago in a pile of charm squares. It is lovely and reminds me of sewing threads or embroidery. Do let me know if you recognize it as I have no idea what it is.

Mouthy Stitches zipper pouch - back

I included an outside pocket which I lined and topped with a bit of Denyse Schmidt Hope Valley in orange. I am going to sew in a little snap to keep that pocket closed when something is in it.

Mouthy Stitches zipper pouch - the linings

The lining is an Echino print from the 2011 spring line. It is an 80% cotton, 20% linen blend and light weight. I might add a label and zipper tab. Then all I have to do is pull the requisite scraps and send this off.

2012 Finish-A-Long

And since this is the mid point of Rhonda from Quilter in the Gap's Finish-a-Long, I am also showing off my two FAL finishes so far.

Kaleidoscope Quilt

The Kaleidoscope Quilt, which is going to be on its way to my nephew in a day or two, is all done. The Ta Da post is here if you want to read more.

A quilt for my bed

And I am using this lovely quilt on my bed now, it was my first FAL finish. You can read about it in this post.

I have a few other projects to do for the FAL and I might even have time to get them done by the end of March. Wish me luck.

I am linking this post of finishes to Thank Goodness it's Finally Friday, which Rhonda at Quilter in the Gap is hosting this week.. I hope you have time to check out the other finishes linked there.

I am so glad that it will be Friday soon, I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend.




1 Debbie said...

Wow - awesome pouch, Leanne! So many thoughtful details - your partner is sure to love it! And lovely finishes all around!

2 Kristy QP said...

Gorgeous pouch! Loving the paper pieced panel on the front especially.

3 Mrs Flying Blind... said...

The pouch-making excitement is now turning to nervous anticipation!!

Love both the pouch and the quilt - but you knew that already xxx

4 Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Leanne! That pouch is really really good! I love the fabrics and how you have used patchwork and also the outside pocket is perfect! Thank you for a great idea!
How nice to see again your adorable quilts!
x Teje

5 Nicky said...

It is all so wonderful! Your partner is going to be so delighted with your pouch and your nephew too!

And your own quilt looks great in situ! One massive quilt by the look of it!

6 Sarah said...

Love your pouch... great finishes too!

7 beth said...

the pouch is awesome!! love the colors!

8 Sarah said...

I love that pouch Leanne, but I've probably said it a million times now! Your kaleidoscope looks fab too. Mind is all neatly folded on a shelf waiting patiently to be basted and quilted - I need to stop thinking of other people to make quilts for and get this one finished, but it's for me so I keep letting it slide. Yours looks great! Love the bed quilt too!

9 Rhonda the Rambler said...

I don't suppose there is any chance whatsoever that I am your pouch partner? I love your pouch!!!

10 Kelly @ Vintage Fabric Studio said...

really cute stuff Leanne, you can quilt ;)

11 The Thompsons said...

Those pouches are adorable!

12 Catherine said...

i LOVE that pouch - pleaseeeee can it be coming to me
And love the kaleidescope quilt too, I really want to make one: how did you find making it?

13 Heather D. said...

The pouch is wonderful, front and back. Love that extra outside pocket.

14 Katy Cameron said...

Ooh, love your tippecanoe front, the whole pouch is fab, sure your partner will love it!

Congrats on all those finishes too :o)

15 Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

Your quilt and pouch are both fab!

16 M-R Charbonneau said...

Beautiful finishes, Leanne! That pouch is absolutely adorable and it's so precise and perfect. I'm sure your partner will think she's hit the jackpot with this gift. Thanks for linking up to TGIFF!

17 Lynette said...

That is teeny little piecing, and it looks fantastic. :)

18 Katie said...

I love your pouch!

19 Manda said...

You are doing well with your finishes! And that pouch is fantastic!

20 Michelle @ the quilted tortoise said...

I so LOVE your pouch Leanne, everything about it is perfect! If it's for me I will be one very happy girl!

21 Heather said...

Wow.. so beautiful! Love both of the quilts, and that little zippered pouch is so cute! Great job!

22 Krista Schneider said...

Love the pouch. Your nephew is gonna be so thrilled to get that awesome kaleidoscope quilt :D

23 Marg said...

Love your pouch, it would be very happy living here!
Both quilts are fabulous, and great finishes for the FAL.

24 Lesly said...

I am awestruck. Can't decide what I like best.